Luiz Morales

LuizMorales_profileLuiz Morales is an electron microscopist at the Scientific Centre of Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM) of ETH Zürich in addition to being a member of the Structure and Tectonics Group. He completed his Bachelor’s (2000) and Master’s degrees (2002) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and his PhD the University of Leeds (UK) / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2007). After completing his PhD, Luiz was a Technical Officer at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Brazil) (2006-2008) and a post-doctoral research assistant at Géosciences Montpellier, Université de Montpellier (2008-2010) and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (2011-2016) before finally joining the Electron Microscopy facility of ETH Zürich. Luiz is interested in the microstructures, crystallographic preferred orientations and anisotropic physical properties of geological materials. He is an specialist in scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM), analytics (EBSD, EDS, WDS) and focused ion beam (FIB). 
More information can be found at Luiz’s website or his ResearchGate.