
See GoogleScholar Citations for publication statistics.

* Post-doctoral advisee, † Graduate student advisee, ^Undergraduate student advisee

  • Behr, W.M., Becker, T.W., 2018, Sediment control on subduction plate speeds, in press in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
  • Behr, W.M., Kotowski, A.J., *Ashley, K.T., 2018, Dehydration-induced rheological heterogeneity and the deep tremor source in warm subduction zones, in press in Geology. [link to PDF]
  • †Bernard, R., Behr, W.M., Fabric heterogeneity in the Mojave lower crust and lithospheric mantle in southern California, in press in Journal of Geophysical Research— Solid Earth.
  • Cooper, F.J., Platt, J.P., Behr, W.M., 2017, Rheological transitions in the middle crust: insights from Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes, Solid Earth Discussions v. 8 (1), p 199-215
  • Behr, W. M., and D. Smith, 2016, Deformation in the mantle wedge associated with Laramide flat-slab subduction, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, 2643–2660, doi:10.1002/2016GC006361.  [link to PDF]
  • Kirchner, K.L., Behr, W.M., Loewy, S., Stockli, D., 2016.  Early Miocene subduction in the western Mediterranean, constraints from Rb-Sr multi-mineral isochron geochronology, G-Cubed, 17, doi:10.1002/2015GC006208. [link to PDF]
  • Kidder, S., Hirth, G., Avouac, J., Behr, W.M., 2016.  The influence of a stepped stress history on the grain size, microstructure and rheology of experimentally deformed quartzite, Journal of Structural Geology, v. 83, p. 194-206. [link to PDF]
  • Hanna, R.D., Ketcham, R.A., Zolensky, M., Behr, W.M., 2015. Impact-induced brittle deformation, porosity loss, and aqueous alteration in the Murchison chondrite, Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 171, p. 256-282. [link to PDF]
  • Gold, P.O., Behr, W.M., Rood, D.H., Sharp, W., Rockwell, T., Kendrick, K., ^Salin, A., 2015. Holocene geologic slip rate for the Banning strand of the southern San Andreas fault, southern California, Journal of Geophysical Research— Solid Earth, 120, do:10.1002/2015JB012004. [link to PDF]
  • Behr, W.M., Platt, J.P., 2014.  Brittle faults are weak, yet the ductile middle crust is strong: implications for lithospheric mechanics, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi: 10.1002/2014GL061349. [link to PDF]
  • Platt, J.P., Behr, W.M., Cooper, F.J., Metamorphic core complexes: windows into the rheology of the middle to lower crust, Geol. Soc. London, v. 172, p. 9-27. [link to PDF]
  • Behr, W.M., Hirth, J.G., 2014.  Rheological properties of the mantle lid beneath the Mojave region in southern California, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 393, p. 60-72.  [link to PDF]
  • Behr, W.M., Platt, J.P.  2013. Rheological evolution of a Mediterranean subduction complex, Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 54, p. 136-155.  [link to PDF]
  • Platt, J.P., Behr, W.M., Johanesen, K.A., Williams, J. The Betic-Rif arc and its orogenic hinterland: A review, 2013.  Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 41.   [link to PDF]
  • Behr, W.M., Platt, J.P., 2012. Kinematic and thermal evolution during two-stage exhumation of a Mediterranean subduction complex, Tectonics, v. 31, TC4025.  [link to PDF]
  • Platt, J.P., Behr, W.M., 2011. Deep structure of lithospheric fault zones, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, L24308.  [link to PDF]
  • Behr, W.M., Platt, J.P., 2011. A naturally constrained stress profile through the middle crust in an extensional terrane, Earth and Planetary Science Letters; v. 303, Issues 3-4, p. 181-192.  [link to PDF]
  • Platt, J.P., Behr, W.M., 2011. Lithospheric shear zones as constant stress experiments, Geology; v. 39 (2), p. 127-130.   [link to PDF]
  • Platt, J.P., Behr, W.M., 2011. Grainsize evolution in ductile shear zones: implications for strain localization and the strength of the lithosphere, Journal of Structural Geology; v.33, p. 537-550.  [link to PDF]
  • Behr, W.M., Thomas, J.B., Hervig, R.L., Calibrating Ti concentrations in quartz on the SIMS using NIST silicate glasses with applications to the TitaniQ geothermobarometer.  American Mineralogist, January 2011.  [link to PDF]
  • Behr, W.M., Rood, D.H., Fletcher, K.E., Guzman, N., Finkel, R., Hanks, T.C., Hudnut, K.W., Kendrick, K.J., Platt, J.P., Sharp, W.D., Weldon, R., Yule, J.D., 2010.  Uncertainties in slip rate estimates for the Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas fault at Biskra Palms Oasis, southern California, GSA Bulletin; v. 122; no. 9/10; p. 1360–1377; doi: 10.1130/B30020.1; 15 figures; 3 tables.  [link to PDF]
  • Fletcher, K.E., Sharp, W.D., Kendrick, K.J., Behr, W.M., Hanks, T.C., 230Th/U dating of a late Pleistocene alluvial fan offset along the southern San Andreas fault. GSA Bulletin; September/October 2010; v. 122; no. 9/10; p. 1347–1359; doi: 10.1130/B30018.1; 8 figures; 3 tables; Data Repository item 2010025.  [link to PDF]